Boiled Fish

Boiled Fish

by Misty soul

4.8 (1)







My relative gave me a bag of boiled fish, and I basically made this big bowl of boiled fish according to the instructions on the bag.

I used 3.5 kg of grass carp, and the cooked boiled fish used the largest bowl of my house (25 cm in diameter), and it was almost overflowing. I will make it next time, I think I will use a large pot directly

Seeing the amount of dishes made by 3.5 kilograms of fish, my husband said that the boiled fish in the restaurant may not be used to smoke, but it is still affordable to eat at home πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"


Boiled Fish

1. One 3.5 kg grass carp, clean it, trim off the fins and tails, and remove the fishy line.

Boiled Fish recipe

2. Cut off the fish head, cut the fish from the tail, remove the fish meat, and then slice the fish belly (I didn't take pictures step by step).

Boiled Fish recipe

3. As shown in the picture, diagonally lower the knife to slice the fish into slices, do not flake the skin off.

Boiled Fish recipe

4. This is how it looks when the film is finished, and the other one is also good.

Boiled Fish recipe

5. Wash the fish under the slices several times and dry the water.

Boiled Fish recipe

6. My relatives gave me a seasoning for boiled fish. I bought this brand of butter hot pot base.

Boiled Fish recipe

7. This is the bacon bun inside. Add it to the fish fillet, mix well and marinate for more than ten minutes.

Boiled Fish recipe

8. Add green onions, ginger, and cooking wine to the remaining fish heads, fish steaks, fish skin, fish bones, and fish belly. Grab well and marinate.

Boiled Fish recipe

9. Wash the bean sprouts.

Boiled Fish recipe

10. Boil in a pot of boiling water.

Boiled Fish recipe

11. Scoop out the blanched bean sprouts and spread them on the bottom of the bowl.

Boiled Fish recipe

12. Add about 1 kg of water to the pot.

Boiled Fish recipe

13. This is the sauce bag inside.

Boiled Fish recipe

14. Pour the sauce packet into the water.

Boiled Fish recipe

15. Bring to a boil on high fire.

Boiled Fish recipe

16. Add the marinated fish bones, fish heads, fish skins, fish steaks, etc., and cook for about 3 minutes.

Boiled Fish recipe

17. After being cooked, remove and place on bean sprouts.

Boiled Fish recipe

18. Bring the soup in the pot to a boil again, add the fish fillets one by one, cook until the fish fillets are all discolored, and cook for about half a minute.

Boiled Fish recipe

19. Pour the fish fillets and soup into a large bowl (the largest bowl in my house is about to overflow, and the bigger fish will have to be served).

Boiled Fish recipe

20. This is a dry bag.

Boiled Fish recipe

21. Sprinkle evenly on the fish fillets.

Boiled Fish recipe

22. Add more oil to the pot, about 3 taels, and burn until green smoke appears.

Boiled Fish recipe

23. Pour evenly on the chili while it is hot.

Boiled Fish recipe

24. Sprinkle some chopped green onions on the table, serve such a large bowl, still so full, and serve it without sprinkling it, it is a technical job πŸ˜‚.

Boiled Fish recipe


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