Bullwhip Soup

Bullwhip Soup

by Sixteen (from WeChat...)

4.9 (1)







It’s a legend, and it’s all about its efficacy.


Bullwhip Soup

1. Prepare the bullwhip, cut into two pieces, clean the bullwhip

Bullwhip Soup recipe

2. Boil water on high heat, put ginger slices, pepper, cooking wine, add beef whip and beef bao and cook for 20 minutes

Bullwhip Soup recipe

3. Pick it up and clean it with cold water. Niubao tears off the surface fascia and slices the cowwhip into small sections, as shown in the figure.

Bullwhip Soup recipe

4. Prepare a small hair clip, as shown in the figure, insert it through the bullwhip urethral tube, turn it vigorously and push it forward to push the tube membrane out and remove it

Bullwhip Soup recipe

5. After cleaning up all the bullwhips, repeat step 2

Bullwhip Soup recipe

6. Prepare medicinal materials, wash and soak in water

Bullwhip Soup recipe

7. Pick up the bullwhip niubao in the pot and wash it in cold water

Bullwhip Soup recipe

8. In the frying pan, fry the ginger slices until golden brown

Bullwhip Soup recipe

9. Stir fry with beef whip and ox treasure

Bullwhip Soup recipe

10. After frying the water, add the cooking wine and continue to stir fry to remove the fishy smell and add an appropriate amount of salt

Bullwhip Soup recipe

11. Add the soaked herbs and stir fry for a while

Bullwhip Soup recipe

12. Add appropriate amount of water, keep it flat with the ingredients, and cook for 10 minutes

Bullwhip Soup recipe

13. Prepare a casserole and pour all the ingredients

Bullwhip Soup recipe

14. Fill up with water, turn to a low heat and simmer for 4 hours after the high heat is boiled, a pot of beef whip soup will become

Bullwhip Soup recipe


The stewing process is too long, and you need to add more water. If you find that the soup is harvested too quickly in the middle, you can add boiling water appropriately, avoid putting cold water


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