Colorful Fruit Cake

Colorful Fruit Cake

by Snow and ink flying

4.9 (1)







Cakes without coloring are healthier! Using the color of the fruit itself, you can also create a high-value cake! "


Colorful Fruit Cake

1. Prepare a chiffon cake base

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

2. Peel the fruits separately and cut into dices of the same size. The orange and some strawberries are sandwiched. Mango and kiwi fruit decorate the surface.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

3. The strawberries on the surface are also diced.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

4. Whip the whipped cream with 70 grams of sugar.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

5. Whipped cream! Nine distributions are fine, suitable for wiping the noodles.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

6. The cake base is divided evenly into three pieces.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

7. Take a piece of cake base, add an appropriate amount of light cream and smooth it, and spread with diced fruit.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

8. Continue to repeat this step until you have spread three slices of cake.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

9. Finish wiping at right angles.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

10. Decorate a circle of small shells on the surface and bottom respectively!

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

11. Find the middle of the cake noodles, and...divide into four heart shapes as shown in the picture.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

12. Just put the sliced fruit diced on it.

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

13. Two cherries dotted in the middle, beautiful!

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

14. The finished product!

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe

15. The finished product!

Colorful Fruit Cake recipe


1. The whipped cream is refrigerated in advance, which is easy to dispose. 2. Cut the diced fruit into even small diced pieces, the finished product will look better.


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