Confused Doll Bath Cake

Confused Doll Bath Cake

by Snow and ink flying

4.9 (1)







Because it was the birthday of two children, two dolls were placed. The finished product is beautiful, I hope the children will like it. "


Confused Doll Bath Cake

1. Prepare a ten-inch cake base

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

2. Cut crosswise into three slices with a cake slicer

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

3. Dice the fruits separately.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

4. Wash the baby and wrap it under the chest with plastic wrap.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

5. Whipped cream and 90 grams of granulated sugar, beat until nine and distribute.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

6. Whipped cream!

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

7. Take a piece of cake and place it on the bottom tray, dig out an appropriate amount of light cream and smooth it, and then spread the diced fruit.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

8. Spread three layers of cake slices in sequence.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

9. Wipe the noodles. It does not need to be very flat, and this kind of cake does not have high requirements for spreading. Because I will decorate later.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

10. Take a little light cream, add a little golden yellow pigment and mix thoroughly.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

11. Dig a rectangular hole in the upper middle of the cake, put the doll in and sit down. Put the cake you just removed into it and squeeze the doll.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

12. Squeeze roses in a circle as shown in the picture. I used a 1m Wharton decorating mouth.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

13. Take another part of the cream and turn it into pink.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

14. Put the pink cream in the piping bag. You don’t need a piping mouth. Cut a very small opening at the top and squeeze it all at once... Cover the surface and the surroundings. Now only God knows whether your surface is flat.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

15. There is not much white cream left. Use the round decorating mouth to squeeze a circle of bubbles at the bottom of the cake, and then squeeze bubbles around the doll, and sporadically embellish the surroundings... done! More bubbles will look better.

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

16. Pretty!

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe

17. Cute!

Confused Doll Bath Cake recipe


1. This is the first time I made this kind of flowers in a circle. In fact, it is also possible to fill the lines with pink and then surround the flowers. 2. There is a little bit of cream used in the middle, and it is not enough when making bubbles at the end. A little more bubbles will look better!


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