Fried Noodles

Fried Noodles

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Fried noodles is a traditional Chinese snack popular in the north and south of the country. The main ingredients are noodles, eggs, small rapeseed, green onions, etc., which are delicious and rich in nutrition.

Fried Noodles

1. The garlic is mashed into garlic paste and water is added to make garlic juice, the eggs are beaten into egg liquid for later use, and other raw materials are also ready. (I put the small rapeseed in boiling water and blanched it, so that the nutrition will not be lost easily when frying)

Fried Noodles recipe

2. Put oil in the pan and stir-fry the egg liquid in the pan.

Fried Noodles recipe

3. Add the small rapeseed and stir fry. I blanched the small rapeseed in advance, so just stir fry a few times.

Fried Noodles recipe

4. Add salt and chicken essence and continue to stir fry a few times

Fried Noodles recipe

5. Put the noodles in the pot, stir fry a few times, add the dark soy sauce and light soy sauce, stir evenly with chopsticks

Fried Noodles recipe

6. Add garlic juice, cumin powder, and stir-fry evenly

Fried Noodles recipe


Put the noodles in the pot and change it to a low heat, otherwise it will be easy to stick to the pot. \nI made this for five people. The raw materials are increased or decreased according to the actual number of people.


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