Hijiki Salad

Hijiki Salad

by ぁコ眼泪/mn (from Tencent.)

4.8 (1)







In addition to the big fish and meat at the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner, you can't miss the cold salad, which is refreshing and greasy! !


Hijiki Salad

1. I bought fresh hijiki, which is relatively large. Use kitchen shears to cut a bit smaller and rinse with water.

Hijiki Salad recipe

2. Bring water to boil, add hijiki, blanch

Hijiki Salad recipe

3. The blanched hijiki is drained and immediately placed in cold water for a while

Hijiki Salad recipe

4. Make a sauce, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 grams of salt

Hijiki Salad recipe

5. Put the drained hijiki into a clean bowl, pour the garlic with the juice, and mix well.

Hijiki Salad recipe


This time the cold salad is relatively light, not spicy, and the sesame oil is not put on the spleen and stomach. People who are weak and cold should not eat it.

1. Hijiki is rich in polysaccharides, food cellulose, B vitamins, alginic acid, mannitol, and essential minerals and trace elements for the human body;

2. Its polysaccharide has anti-tumor effect, has the effect of promoting hematopoietic function and enhancing immune function, preventing thrombosis, lowering cholesterol and preventing high blood pressure;

3. Food fiber has obvious benefits for constipation, effectively preventing the occurrence of anorectal diseases, and has special effects on hypertension, colorectal cancer, anemia, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, and arteriosclerosis;

4. The abundant calcium, iodine, iron, potassium, zinc, etc., are essential substances for people to keep fit;

5. Hijiki has a high iodine content, which can prevent goiter caused by iodine deficiency, mental retardation and dementia in children;

6. Because hijiki contains low calories, it is also an excellent low-calorie diet food.


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