Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings

by meggy dancing apple

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Alfalfa, commonly known as clover, is also known as grass head, sassafras, and light wind grass. It is the tender stems and leaves of leguminous plants alfalfa or southern head. Although inconspicuous, the nutritional value is not low. Alfalfa tastes very meaty, and I really can't find a suitable dish to match its taste. Today I cooked elbow bone soup and used it to cook soup dumplings. There are meat, vegetables, soup and noodles. It looks light, but it is fresh, fragrant and moist. Especially when I eat it in the early summer, I feel a little sweaty, a headache, and a cold will get better right away.


Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings

1. Wash the elbow bones, blanch them, shave off the surface lint, put a few slices of ginger in the hot water pot again, and simmer slowly for at least one and a half hours

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

2. Knead a piece of noodles, add ordinary flour and 65% of the amount of flour in cold water. After kneading, cover with plastic wrap for 20 minutes;

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

3. Wash the alfalfa in blanching water, blanch it in cold water, prepare it with fat and lean meat, chopped green onion, salt, and cold water; because the dumplings are cooked with bone broth, there is no need for too much seasoning in the dumplings, and soy sauce is not suitable;

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

4. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of salt and water in the meat filling and stir in one direction to form a paste;

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

5. Alfalfa chopped finely;

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

6. Mix the minced alfalfa and the minced meat evenly;

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

7. After kneading the good dough smoothly, knead into long strips, cut into uniform size, and press flat;

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

8. Sprinkle a little flour and roll into a small round crust with a thicker middle and thinner edges;

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

9. Pack or squeeze dumplings into big stuffed dumplings according to your own method; remind you, don’t wrap dumplings too early to prevent the soup from the stuffing from soaking the dumpling skins after a long time. It’s best to calculate the output of the elbow soup. Pot time

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

10. The stewed elbow bone soup is very fragrant, and the salt can be left on or off, add some hot water, and bring to a boil;

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe

11. Put the alfalfa dumplings in the soup and cook them over medium heat. All the dumplings will bulge up and float on the surface of the soup. Put the dumplings with the soup in a bowl, sprinkle a little chives, and then sprinkle salt in the soup according to the taste.

Knuckle Bone Alfalfa Soup Dumplings recipe


1. The soup dumplings are light, so there is no soy sauce in the soup;
2. The alfalfa is blanched and then mixed with stuffing, which is more delicious than raw stuffing.


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