Pine Kernel Corn

Pine Kernel Corn

by Xiaobai Vegetarian Record

5.0 (1)







The simplest and most popular home-cooked dish, the emphasis is on simple seasoning


Pine Kernel Corn

1. A pack of quick-frozen sweet corn kernels is taken out and defrosted, and quick-frozen green beans are also defrosted. If you use fresh sweet corn and fresh green beans, you need to cut the corn kernels with a knife, then put them in a pot of boiling water and blanch them for two to three minutes. The same goes for cold water and green beans. Peel the carrots and cut them into cubes about the size of corn kernels

Pine Kernel Corn recipe

2. Heat the pan with a little oil. If you use raw pine nuts, add the pine nuts and stir-fry on a low heat. Then add the carrots and stir-fry until they are broken. Then add the green beans and corn kernels to quickly stir-fry a few times. If you use cooked pine nuts, put them in the end.


Some dishes are heavily seasoned, and some dishes need to be subtracted. Adding soy sauce and sugar to this dish will spoil the freshness of the dishes.


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