Ribs Braised Rice

Ribs Braised Rice

by Simple love1236

4.8 (1)




1h 30m



The ribs stewed rice is made with very grain and high-quality polished rice. The soup is closely integrated with the rice, and the taste is not ordinary! There are food and rice, one pot! Yay


Ribs Braised Rice

1. I choose the fine grain rice.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

2. Cut the ribs into small pieces and soak them in clean water to get rid of blood.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

3. Then put it in a pot of cold water, boil on high heat until boiling, and skim the foam.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

4. Remove and put in a dish for later use.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

5. Soak the mushrooms in water in advance and set aside.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

6. Wash the soaked shiitake mushrooms and cut into small cubes.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

7. Wash the carrots, peel them, and cut into small cubes.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

8. Wash waxy corn and set aside.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

9. Prepare chopped green onion, ginger and minced garlic.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

10. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot to heat, add rock sugar to low heat to melt.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

11. Add the blanched ribs and fry until they are colored.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

12. Add green onion, ginger, garlic and stir-fry evenly.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

13. Add cooking wine light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, stir-fry evenly.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

14. Add hot water equal to the ribs and boil until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for about 25 minutes. (You can observe the amount of water in the pot in the middle)

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

15. When the soup becomes less and thick, add the chopped mushrooms, carrots and corn kernels.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

16. Stir-fry evenly, add salt and chicken powder to taste.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

17. Rinse the rice well, add a little less water than the usual braised rice and soak for half an hour.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

18. Pour in the fried ribs, cover the rice cooker, and press the cook button!

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

19. When the dingdong time is up, turn on the rice cooker and stir evenly, then simmer for another five minutes. Put it in a bowl and enjoy! Good rice is produced from a good ecology, and it is very good to choose high-quality polished rice!

Ribs Braised Rice recipe


The choice of rice, one smell, two read and three taste.


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