Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney

by Yoona's chick's kitchen

4.6 (1)







In the hot summer, drinking beer and eating barbecue are indispensable. Of course, besides barbecue, other dishes are indispensable. The click-through rate of kidney is very high. It is not only delicious but also nutritious, but few people do it. I made it at home, I was one of them, because it is difficult to remove the waist odor. I tried it once before, and I always felt something was wrong. Yesterday I accidentally saw this dish being taught on TV and I said how to remove the waist odor. I’m attracted. I’m not thinking well recently, so I decisively record it with my mobile phone video, so that I don’t lose my mind when doing the same thing as last time. It seems that I have to buy something to replenish my brain. The master is a master, and the method of teaching is simple. Not to mention the super cheap method, and the waists made will not be as old and dry as before, guaranteed to be tender and crisp, you will fall in love with this summer... ......"


Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney

1. Prepare the ingredients. Buy this one in the morning. It’s fresher. I can see the color after a long time.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

2. Cut the waist flower in half to better remove the waist

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

3. Use a knife to remove the waist. The boss has already torn off the outer film when I bought it. You have to confirm it yourself. If you haven’t torn off, you need to tear it off.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

4. Next, make a few vertical cuts on the inside of the waist, remember not to cut, start a waistband on the reverse side so that the waistband is not only thin, but also effectively removes the waist odor.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

5. Next, we are going to use some tricks to remove the odor of the waist. The secret of Dangdang is beer. The cut kidneys are marinated in beer for 4 to 5 minutes, so as to ensure a little bit of odor, and the smell is gone. Can also increase freshness

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

6. The next step is to blanch the kidneys, boil the water, put the kidneys in, and just boil the water.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

7. Slice ginger and garlic for later use

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

8. Cut green peppers and red peppers into thin circles, wash the seeds and set aside

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

9. In the next step, we need to adjust the bottom flavor, we first add a small spoonful of sesame oil

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

10. Add a spoonful of light soy sauce and mix with a pinch of salt.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

11. Finally, add the cut garlic slices and green peppers and colored pepper rings to add color and bottom flavor

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

12. Oil the pan, heat it up....

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

13. Next, we are going to pour the burned oil on the kidneys

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

14. Then quickly cover it with a lid. This is to use the remaining temperature of the oil to make the kidneys suffocated and full of flavor. The kidneys obtained by doing this are fresh, tender and delicious, and full of flavor.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

15. Does it leave your saliva when you look at the color?

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

16. I think if I burn a plate in the evening with beer and watch the World Cup, it should be healthy and refreshing.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

17. The fungus was brewed in hot water in advance, I forgot to take a picture before soaking it in a bowl

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

18. The waist flower doesn’t need to go to the waist show, just slice it directly

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

19. Cut the wide waistband in half

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

20. Peel and mince ginger. This will come in handy today.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

21. Don’t think that this is ordinary ginger water, it is brewed with beer, which can completely remove the irritation.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

22. Brew the beer with ginger water for a few minutes and add it to the cut waist slices for a few minutes

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

23. Take advantage of the brewing time, let's prepare the ingredients, chop the fungus for later use

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

24. As usual, boil the water and put it in the waist slice for blanching, but the time is a little longer, but not more than half a minute

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

25. The next step is very important, because you must think it will be delicious if you marinate it in ginger water. This step is very important. The blanched kidney slices are soaked in cool white and it will be unpleasant.

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

26. Put the blanched fungus and drained kidney slices into a clean bowl

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

27. Then add garlic slices, ginger slices, green and red pepper rings

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

28. Add a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoon of sesame oil, and a little salt

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

29. Finally, add the right amount of salt, seasonings, and coriander to mix evenly. The delicious cold dressing and crisp kidneys are OK....

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

30. How easy is it?

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe

31. In fact, this method is simpler, but it is delicious, adding fungus to make it more nutritious, so it is a rare and good method. And some people think that going to waist show is too wasteful, and the film needs to be costly, but this Fangzi doesn’t have to worry at all

Summer Table Private Room Private Room Warm Kidney Kidney and Cold Crisp Kidney Kidney recipe


1. The first thing to pay attention to: ps: 1. The marinating time should not be too long, because the longer the time, the older the waist.

2. Be sure to close the lid quickly after splashing the oil, otherwise the oil temperature will soon be cold.

3. As for other things to pay attention to, I have already said when writing the recipe, you can take a look

2. Pay attention to the second method: ps: 1. Ordinary ginger water can't get rid of the sorrow of the waist, so using beer ginger water can solve this problem. . .

2. The boiled waist slices must be taken in a cool white bath, so that there is no odor when they are eaten

The efficacy and function of pork loin:

Pork kidneys are sweet and salty in taste and have a mild nature. They enter the kidney meridian; they have the functions of invigorating the kidney, strengthening the waist and replenishing qi.

The nutritional value of pork loin:

Contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, etc. It has the effects of strengthening the kidney and replenishing the waist, and regulating the qi of the kidney. Nutritional analysis of pig kidneys: pig kidneys have the functions of nourishing kidney qi, clearing the bladder, eliminating stagnation, and quenching thirst. It can be used to treat kidney deficiency, low back pain, edema, and deafness.

Pork kidney is suitable for the crowd:

suitable for majority of the people

1. Suitable for people with kidney deficiency and backache, nocturnal emission, night sweats; suitable for elderly people with kidney deficiency, deafness and tinnitus;

2. Those with high blood lipids and high cholesterol should not eat it.


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