#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower

by @That floweropen@

4.8 (1)







Sometimes the mood is suddenly very low, and I don't want to talk or move. When others asked, they didn't know how to answer. Not pretending to be silent, just powerless to tell. Maybe everyone has a blind spot. They can't get out by themselves, and others can't break in. I bury the deepest secret there. You don't understand me, and I don't blame you.
Some time ago I was in a bad mood and reposted this text on WeChat. As a result, I received many words of concern from my friends~ For example: In my mind, you have always been a person who knows how to live and enjoy life! Your tolerance and understanding have always been a role model for me. Life needs positive energy! Come on!
For example: life is the same for everyone, but lacks the eyes to discover beauty.
For example: Your impression of us is very sunny.
Trust ~ This is a kind of trust my friends have placed in me! Made a sunflower that symbolizes sunlight, a sunflower that everyone loves. "

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower

1. Cover the kneaded puff pastry with a fresh-keeping bag and then cover with a damp cloth, and let it rest for about 30 minutes.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

2. The loose oily skin is divided into 18 grams and 9 grams of shortbread, 13 grams and 6 grams.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

3. Take an oily skin and press it into a shortbread wrapper. Cover it with a damp cloth in a fresh-keeping bag.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

4. Seal the loose dough upwards, and gently roll it into a beef tongue shape from the middle with a rolling pin (do not roll it too long)

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

5. Roll up from top to bottom, cover all the fresh-keeping bags and relax them in turn.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

6. Take a roll and gently roll it up from the middle and then roll it down.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

7. Roll up from top to bottom and cover with a fresh-keeping bag to relax.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

8. Roll the small dough into a circle (you can use a small bowl to press out)

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

9. Take a roll and press it with your fingers in the middle, pinch the two ends in the middle.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

10. Roll out the filling and squeeze it with the mouth facing down.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

11. Place it as shown, and use a small knife to make a uniform stroke on the large round dough sheet.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

12. Pinch each 3 slices together.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

13. Take a dough and roll it thinly into thin strips.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

14. Place several slender bars horizontally and vertically.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

15. Brush the egg yolk with a brush.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

16. Put black sesame seeds in the blanks.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

17. Preheat the middle layer of the oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes (time and temperature are for reference only)

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

18. Sunflowers will open without seeing the sun. If you don't see hope in life, you must persist. Some things don't stick to hope when you see it, but hope only when you stick to it.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

19. We must learn from sunflowers and be a person who actively absorbs positive energy.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe

20. To learn about sunflowers, wherever there is sunlight, head towards it.

#trust of Beauty#being A Sunflower recipe


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