#trust of Beauty#kiwi Pear Juice

#trust of Beauty#kiwi Pear Juice

by dymy

5.0 (1)







I like kiwis, Iā€™m too lazy to cook at night, and want to be full. I made juice with crown pears, kiwis, and Yakult, and eat a few chestnuts. The busy Monday is finally over! "


#trust of Beauty#kiwi Pear Juice

1. Prepare ingredients

#trust of Beauty#kiwi Pear Juice recipe

2. Fruit peeled

#trust of Beauty#kiwi Pear Juice recipe

3. Cut the fruit into pieces, put in a cooking cup, set aside

#trust of Beauty#kiwi Pear Juice recipe

4. The stirring rod will break the fruit. In the process of breaking, gradually add Yakult and purified water. Friends who like sweetness can add honey!

#trust of Beauty#kiwi Pear Juice recipe

5. Juice, with chestnut, increase satiety! Slowly enjoy the good time! šŸŽ

#trust of Beauty#kiwi Pear Juice recipe


In order to reduce sugar intake, I chose the reduced sugar version of Yakult. You can use sugary Yakult.


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