Baked Turkey Noodles with Cheese

Baked Turkey Noodles with Cheese

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Wanghong turkey noodles are just mixed and eaten, it would be too ordinary! The little chef teaches you to turn turkey noodles into western-style baked noodles, killing pasta and lasagna in seconds! This is the most amazing way to open turkey noodles!


Baked Turkey Noodles with Cheese

1. Add water to the soup pot and bring to a boil, turn off the heat, add the turkey noodles and soak for 5 minutes

Baked Turkey Noodles with Cheese recipe

2. Remove the turkey noodles and drain them, put them in a bowl, pour in the sauce bag and stir evenly

Baked Turkey Noodles with Cheese recipe

3. Then pour in the sesame seaweed dry bag and mix well

Baked Turkey Noodles with Cheese recipe

4. Beat in 1 egg, add sausage slices and colored peppers

Baked Turkey Noodles with Cheese recipe

5. Sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese, put in a preheated oven at 180℃, and bake for about 15 minutes

Baked Turkey Noodles with Cheese recipe

6. Take out and enjoy

Baked Turkey Noodles with Cheese recipe


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