Durian Stuffed Chicken Soup

Durian Stuffed Chicken Soup

by Cook as you like

4.8 (1)







Durian is really a kind of fruit that people love and hate. The abnormal smell makes many people "daunt" and makes many people want to stop after eating it. Durian has very high nutritional value. Regular consumption can strengthen the body, strengthen the spleen and qi, nourish the kidney and strengthen the yang, and warm the body. It is a nourishing and beneficial fruit. Use durian flesh to make the soup, so there is no need to worry about the soup becoming "stinky". Not only that, but it also adds a sweet and delicious taste. The soup is mild in nature, nourishing but not dry, and can nourish blood and qi, nourish yin, and moisturize skin.


Durian Stuffed Chicken Soup

1. Use a knife to cut off the white flesh inside the durian shell, rinse and cut into half

Durian Stuffed Chicken Soup recipe

2. Rinse the chicken, chop into large pieces, wash the red dates, and slice the old ginger

3. Pour enough water into the pot to bring to a boil, add the chicken pieces and blanch for a while and remove

4. Put all the chicken nuggets, old ginger slices, durian flesh and red dates in the soup pot, add enough water, boil on high heat, cover the lid and turn to low heat and continue to cook for 1.5 hours, and finally add salt to taste.

Durian Stuffed Chicken Soup recipe
Durian Stuffed Chicken Soup recipe


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