[guangdong] Shark's Fin Chicken Soup

[guangdong] Shark's Fin Chicken Soup

by Cocoa Kitchen

4.8 (1)







Guangzhou is a coastal city and there are a lot of seafood to choose from, so I often use dried seafood to make soup. Shark's fin head is rich in collagen, but this protein is incomplete, and it is difficult to absorb it when eaten alone. It can complement the protein when cooked with chicken, which improves the flavor and freshness and nourishes the skin. How can it be a fresh word!

[guangdong] Shark's Fin Chicken Soup

1. Prepare the ingredients and handle them.

[guangdong] Shark's Fin Chicken Soup recipe

2. Wash the chicken, cut and peel, soak the shark's fin head for two hours in advance, soak the scallops, peel and slice the ginger, soak the dried longan and wolfberry in water for 15 minutes, then drain the water for use.

[guangdong] Shark's Fin Chicken Soup recipe

3. Put the chicken pieces in boiling water and wash them.

[guangdong] Shark's Fin Chicken Soup recipe

4. Put all the ingredients in the casserole, add appropriate amount of water, turn to a low heat to boil for one and a half hours after the high heat is boiled.

[guangdong] Shark's Fin Chicken Soup recipe

5. After boiling, add appropriate amount of salt to taste.

[guangdong] Shark's Fin Chicken Soup recipe


Shark's fin head and jiang scallop are dried seafood, so soak in advance. Jiang scallops have a salty taste, so after the soup is cooked, you must taste it before adding salt to avoid being too salty to affect the taste.


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