Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe

by freesiaa-made

4.9 (1)







Video recipe link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcwNjE1MTgyNA==.html

1. Use a blender (a knife to chop is also possible) to beat the minced meat into a delicate mash, so that the luncheon meat will not have holes when cut open
2. Stir the meat puree in one direction, pour it into the mold and compact it, and the luncheon meat will be firm.

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe

1. Mix flour, starch, eggs, and water to make a smooth batter

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe recipe

2. Put the meat and all seasonings into the blender

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe recipe

3. Whipped into a delicate mashed meat (the mashed meat is finely whipped, so that the luncheon meat will not have holes when it is cut), and whipped until the mashed meat starts to gain strength

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe recipe

4. Mix the mashed meat and batter and stir well

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe recipe

5. Use chopsticks again to draw a circle in one direction to stir up the strength (the puree meat will increase the strength, the luncheon meat will be firm)

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe recipe

6. The mold can be coated with a little oil to prevent sticking (using a 6-inch non-stick pound cake mold, packed in 2 boxes), pour the meat into the mold, compact with the back of a spoon, and smooth the surface

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe recipe

7. Wrap it with tin foil or heatable plastic wrap to prevent water vapor from entering during the steaming process. After the water is boiled, put it in the steamer and steam for 40 minutes

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe recipe

8. After cooling, take it out from the mold and slice it

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe recipe

9. Fried golden brown on both sides is more delicious~

Homemade Luncheon Meat Video Recipe recipe


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