Ice Cream Puffs

Ice Cream Puffs

by Wandering stars

4.8 (1)







Puffs are a kind of sweets from Italy. Cream, chocolate and even ice cream are wrapped in the fluffy and empty cream dough. Puffs are a symbol of auspiciousness, friendship, and peace. People are used to pile her into a tower on various festive occasions, seeking romance in sweetness, and sharing happiness in joy. Later spread to England, the most indispensable of afternoon tea and evening tea of all the upper-class nobles is also the puff.
I like puffs, but lazy people like me do it very few times. Puff premix powder is much more convenient, no complicated steps are required, a lot of links in the middle are omitted, and the success rate is high, which is especially suitable for me.
Ice cream puffs combine the crispness of puffs and the silky smoothness of ice cream. The taste is fresh and not sweet. It is worth a try. "


Ice Cream Puffs

1. Put the melted butter, water, and easy-to-baked puff premix powder into the container

Ice Cream Puffs recipe

2. Stir evenly to form a dough, quickly beat with a whisk for two minutes

Ice Cream Puffs recipe

3. Beat the eggs and add them to the batter in batches. Each time you add the egg mixture, you must fully beat them evenly.

Ice Cream Puffs recipe

4. Finally whipped into a smooth and delicate batter

Ice Cream Puffs recipe

5. Use chopsticks to pick it up into an inverted triangle

Ice Cream Puffs recipe

6. Put the batter into a piping bag

Ice Cream Puffs recipe

7. Squeeze into the baking tray

Ice Cream Puffs recipe

8. Preheat the oven at 200 degrees, put the baking tray in the middle and lower level, and bake for 15 minutes. After the puffs have expanded, lower the temperature to 180 degrees, continue to bake for 20 minutes, and bake until the surface is brown and ready to go out.

Ice Cream Puffs recipe

9. The baked puffs are aired, and cut with a knife in the upper third

Ice Cream Puffs recipe

10. Just squeeze the ice cream into the hollow part

Ice Cream Puffs recipe


1. It is not necessary to add all the eggs in the formula. Use chopsticks to pick up the batter. The batter is in the shape of an inverted triangle.
2. The piping bag is placed on a cup, it is more convenient to put the batter inside
3. The batter will expand when heated, so there should be a gap between the batter squeezed on the baking pan.
4. The puffs must be baked in place at one time, otherwise they will collapse after being baked, so remember not to open the oven door in the middle of baking.
5. The temperature of the oven should be adjusted according to the temperature of your own oven.


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