Lean Broth with Rice Noodles

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles

by Autumn is a fairy tale

4.9 (1)







Breakfast for one person, simple and delicious, full of energy all morning!


Lean Broth with Rice Noodles

1. Prepare the ingredients. The sesame powder is freshly bought. Cut the lean meat into thin slices and add salt, oil, chicken powder, sugar, and oil to taste. Wash the lettuce and shred the ginger.

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe

2. Stir fragrant ginger shreds in hot oil pan

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe

3. Pour in the right amount of water and boil

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe

4. Marinate the meat

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe

5. At the same time, take another pot of water to boil, and blanch the powder for 20 seconds

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe

6. Remove the drained water and put it in the bowl

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe

7. Cook the lettuce blanched with hot water

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe

8. Fish out and put in a bowl

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe

9. After the lean meat is boiled until all its color is changed, it can be boiled for another 30 seconds

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe

10. Pour all the meat and soup into a bowl, drizzle with chili soy sauce, sprinkle with peanuts and start eating

Lean Broth with Rice Noodles recipe


Don't burn the powder for too long for 20~30 seconds. Long time will affect the taste and even mushy. Stir-fried peanuts in advance or buy ready-made, chili soy sauce is chopped chili soaked in light soy sauce and oil, it is best to make it in advance, soaked chili soy soy sauce tastes better. Note that this is not Guilin rice noodles. It is a local noodle in our hometown, but it can be replaced with Guilin rice noodles.


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