Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea

by Big ball toot

5.0 (1)




1h 30m



A cup of grapefruit tea a day to supplement the daily vitamin C required


Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea

1. Rub the red pomelo with salt for about 5 minutes to clean, then use a paring knife to cut out the thin skin as much as possible and cut into thin filaments. Place in a pot and boil for 10 minutes

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea recipe

2. Fish out cold water

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea recipe

3. Red heart pomelo seeds, peeled and grilled into small pieces

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea recipe

4. Wash with lemon salt, peel and chop with a paring knife, cut the lemon meat into cubes

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea recipe

5. When the water is boiled, pour in the chopped lemon and cook for 2 minutes

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea recipe

6. Put in the lemon meat, grapefruit peel, and red heart grapefruit pulp in turn

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea recipe

7. Add the right amount of rock sugar as shown in the picture (you can add a little more if you like sweetness here) and boil for 60 minutes, add water in the middle

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea recipe

8. After cooking and letting cool, add honey. Personally, I don’t like it too sweet and not too much. If you like sweet honey, you can add honey to 1:1 (boiled fruit tea: honey)

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea recipe

9. Finished, put the can in the refrigerator~ I added sliced oranges to the bottom and top of the jar~

Lemon Honey Red Heart Grapefruit Tea recipe


Mind putting more honey in the grapefruit pulp


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