Loving Boiled Shrimp

Loving Boiled Shrimp

by Line line 3896

4.7 (1)







Boiled fresh shrimp can retain the original taste of the shrimp to the maximum. "


Loving Boiled Shrimp

1. Boiled shrimp must choose fresh and live shrimp as raw materials. Frozen shrimp cannot taste the sweetness of fresh shrimp.

Loving Boiled Shrimp recipe

2. Cut the shrimps. If the child is relatively small, the pointed shrimp gun on the shrimp head should also be cut off.

Loving Boiled Shrimp recipe

3. Go to the shrimp line. To remove the live shrimp from the shrimp thread, first cut off the shrimp head. Pick the first section of the tail with a toothpick and gently pull it out. Pinch the shrimp body tightly and be careful not to sting the shrimp.

Loving Boiled Shrimp recipe

4. Put two or three slices of ginger in the pot, boil a spoonful of rice wine, add the prepared shrimp, cook until the pot comes to the boil, wait for 2 to 30 seconds, and remove.

Loving Boiled Shrimp recipe

5. Out of the pot and plate

Loving Boiled Shrimp recipe

6. Mince two cloves of garlic, mince two slices of ginger, add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon of Shao wine (replace cooking wine if you don’t have one), 3 grams of mustard sauce (both mustard and yellow mustard are fine, and mustard flavor , Yellow mustard flavor is slightly lighter).

Loving Boiled Shrimp recipe

7. Serve on the table

Loving Boiled Shrimp recipe


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