Purple Rice Poria and Pineapple Rice

Purple Rice Poria and Pineapple Rice

by xhlxhl1966

4.6 (1)







Purple rice nourishes blood, Poria can invigorate the spleen, and pineapple can eliminate the food accumulation caused by eating glutinous rice, which is an appetizing and invigorating food.

Purple Rice Poria and Pineapple Rice

1. Wash the pineapple and cut off the top flower, cut off a lid and set aside, dig out the pineapple meat, set aside the shell, and cut the meat into small cubes (leave 1/4 of it.)

Purple Rice Poria and Pineapple Rice recipe

2. Wash the glutinous rice, add a little water, soak for 30 minutes, and dry the grapes

Purple Rice Poria and Pineapple Rice recipe

3. The rising glutinous rice can be put into the rice cooker, and the amount of water can be less (less than usual for cooking)

Purple Rice Poria and Pineapple Rice recipe

4. When the rice is cooked, let it cool slightly. Stir in diced pineapple, raisins, Poria powder, sugar, and mix well.

Purple Rice Poria and Pineapple Rice recipe

5. Cover the lid, put it in the steamer, and steam for 20 minutes

Purple Rice Poria and Pineapple Rice recipe


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