Short Ribs of Conch Noodles in Tomato Sauce

Short Ribs of Conch Noodles in Tomato Sauce

by A🐣 pretty mom💋💍

4.7 (1)







Short Ribs of Conch Noodles in Tomato Sauce

1. Peel the tomatoes and squeeze the juice with a food processor.

Short Ribs of Conch Noodles in Tomato Sauce recipe

2. Pour black sesame avocado oil in the pan, add small ribs and fry until golden on both sides

Short Ribs of Conch Noodles in Tomato Sauce recipe

3. Put the fried short ribs out, add tomato juice and stir fry, then add appropriate amount of water, add the small ribs and simmer for 40 minutes

Short Ribs of Conch Noodles in Tomato Sauce recipe

4. Add the conch noodles and cook and remove them. After the sauce is collected over high heat, they will be served on a plate.

Short Ribs of Conch Noodles in Tomato Sauce recipe

5. Sprinkle in seaweed and black sesame powder. [Victory]

Short Ribs of Conch Noodles in Tomato Sauce recipe

6. Finished product-hurry up and eat

Short Ribs of Conch Noodles in Tomato Sauce recipe


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