Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms

Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms

by The heart of the piano and the courage of the sword

4.9 (1)







Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms is a delicious Cantonese dish. The characteristic of this dish is that the steamed chicken is tender, smooth, and fresh. With the aroma of mushrooms, it is quite delicious and mouthwatering. I usually choose free-range tender hens for this dish, steamed chicken, the original flavor, the quality of the chicken is very important. This time I bought half a Qingyuan chicken for exactly one jin. This dish tastes good. "


Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms

1. Wash the chicken and cut into pieces

Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

2. Soak the mushrooms and fungus with water.

Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

3. Cut the fungus and mushrooms into small pieces.

Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

4. Chicken salt, appropriate amount of egg white, water starch, shredded ginger, pepper, mix well, then drizzle with peanut oil and mix well.

Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

5. Stir the fungus, mushrooms and chicken well.

Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

6. Bring water to a boil, put the chicken in the pot and steam for 12 minutes.

Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

7. The delicious steamed chicken with mushrooms is out of the pot.

Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe


The order of seasoning is to put seasoning, egg white, starch, and then oil and mix well.


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