Stewed Chicken

Stewed Chicken

by Zhang Hua_x7au

4.8 (1)








Stewed Chicken

1. Wash all ingredients

Stewed Chicken recipe

2. Cut it the way you like

Stewed Chicken recipe

3. I forgot about the fungus, so I decided how much I like to soak

Stewed Chicken recipe

4. The appropriate amount of onion, ginger and garlic as auxiliary materials, cut them and serve on a plate for later use

Stewed Chicken recipe

5. Add water from the pot, add cold water to the whole chicken, add pepper and star anise, cooking wine, ginger, green onion, and boil for about five minutes

Stewed Chicken recipe

6. Cook, remove, drain and set aside

Stewed Chicken recipe

7. Add oil to the pan and add five minutes of heat. Pour the onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, star anise, and dried chili until fragrant

Stewed Chicken recipe

8. Pour the chicken and stir fry, add oyster sauce, sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, add lettuce after two minutes

Stewed Chicken recipe

9. Add shiitake mushrooms and stir fry for about a minute

Stewed Chicken recipe

10. Add fungus and stir fry for a while

Stewed Chicken recipe

11. Add water to the vegetables, add bay leaves and cinnamon, then add potatoes and simmer for about 20 minutes

Stewed Chicken recipe

12. Finally, add the green eggplant, cook for five minutes on high heat and then turn to low heat for about 20 minutes. Add a proper amount of salt before serving

Stewed Chicken recipe

13. Out of the pot.

Stewed Chicken recipe


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