6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake

by Jing-氺氺冄

4.7 (1)







Tomorrow is my birthday, make a cake to make a wish! "

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake

1. First, make a chiffon cake. Take three fresh eggs, separate the egg white and egg yolk, and put them into a stainless steel basin without oil and water. Because it will be sent later, it is better to make the basin a little bigger and deeper.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

2. First beat the egg yolks; then add 10g white sugar to the egg yolks and mix well; then add 40g salad oil and mix well; then add 40g milk and mix well.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

3. Sift in low-gluten flour three times, and stir evenly with a spatula while sieving to avoid clumping together. The mixing strength should be gentle, don't over-mix vigorously, because too much strength will easily cause the flour to become gluten, and the cake made will be hard. The egg yolk does not need to be sent. Just stir evenly.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

4. Add 2g of salt to the egg white. Begin to pass the low gear. At the same time, you can start to preheat the oven, 145 degrees for 10 minutes.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

5. When there are big bubbles, add 13g of white sugar, shift to mid-range and pass.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

6. When there are fine bubbles, add 13g of white sugar and change to high speed.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

7. When the egg whites are thicker and lines appear, add the remaining 13g white sugar. Continue to beat until dry foaming. The beaten egg whites can't fall down even at 140 degrees. (It might fall off by 180 degrees, because of gravity. Haven't tried it.)

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

8. Take one-third of the egg white and add it to the egg yolk paste, and stir evenly.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

9. Pour the egg yolk paste into the remaining egg white container and stir evenly.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

10. Take a six-inch cake mold and apply a layer of salad oil to the mold to facilitate demoulding. Pour the mixed cake batter into the mold. Pick it up and shake it a few times on the chopping board to shake off the bubbles. At this point, the oven has been preheated, put the cake batter in the oven and bake at 145 degrees for 35 minutes; then turn to 155 degrees and bake for 25 minutes. Slow roasting at low temperature is safer than quick roasting at high temperature. Fast roasting at high temperature may cause the surface to burn easily.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

11. Take out the baked cake and demould!

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

12. Cut the cake into two pieces! Remove the protruding part from the top of the cake so that the cake will be flat.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

13. Start to whip the cream. I used Nestle whipped cream, which is said to be the worst cream to whip. Before using Nestlé whipped cream, chill it in the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator at 5-8°C for 48 hours. When using, prepare a large basin for cold water and ice cubes. Pour the whipped cream into a small basin without water and oil, add 10g of white sugar, place the small basin in a large basin with ice cubes, and start to whip it at low speed.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

14. When the cream begins to thicken, add 10g of white sugar and change to high speed. When the cream appears lines, change to medium speed. This process should be stopped at any time, lift the cream, the cream on the blender will have sharp corners, and it can stand upright without bending. You must master the time, do not exceed 5 minutes, do not beat it, it will turn into tofu residue that separates water and oil.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

15. Take a piece of cake and place it on a plate, sprinkle with cream, sprinkle with peach diced, and then spread a thin layer of cream. Then cover with another piece of cake and press lightly to stabilize it.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

16. Pour the cream and wrap the whole cake with cream. Scrape it flat with a knife. My cream shaving technique is relatively poor. Fortunately, my IQ is so good. I originally planned to sprinkle a layer of chocolate chips in a black forest style to conceal the flaws of my cream. But it was also quite troublesome, so I surrounded the outer ring of the cake with seaweed, which is beautiful and creative, and also has the illusion of the black forest.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

17. Use a piping bag to mount a circle of cream flowers on the cake surface. Divide the cake noodles into two parts with cream flowers, put the fruit on the upper part, and paste the words on the lower part. The fruits I put are mangoes, cherry tomatoes, and peaches.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

18. Because I have no pigment, I can't write with cream. Simply cut out the words Happy Birthday with seaweed. First write the words Happy Birthday on a piece of A4 thick white paper. Then overlap the seaweed and the white paper and cut the paper together. It will be cut in one click. The birthday cake lacks these four words, which is very bad.

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe

19. It's ready to eat!

6 Inch Fruit Birthday Cake recipe


1. The most important trick is to be careful, serious, and not anxious. Cake making is meticulous, and it is easy to fail in a hurry. 2. The two most critical steps in making butter cakes are the egg whites in the chiffon cake base process; the other is the butter creaming. You must use a water-free and oil-free bowl for the egg whites. Adding a little salt or lemon juice or white vinegar will make it easier to beat. Nestle cream must be whipped in a water-free and oil-free basin, and the temperature must be kept low during the whipping process, and ice must be used. 3. Nestle cream can be stored at room temperature at ordinary times. It should be refrigerated at 5-8°C for 48 hours before use. Use the opened cream as soon as possible.


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