Black Pepper Beef Patties

Black Pepper Beef Patties

by Kadina☀️🍭🌸🌺

4.9 (1)








Black Pepper Beef Patties

1. Beef patties are thawed naturally, you can make them yourself or buy them from outside

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

2. Take two pieces of paper, one under the beef patties and one on top of the beef patties

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

3. Press with your hands to suck out the blood of the beef patties

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

4. Uncover the kitchen paper

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

5. After taking out the pot, clean it

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

6. Add oil after the pan is heated, or not add it, because there is oil in the beef patties.

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

7. After the oil is hot, turn off the heat

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

8. Put in beef patties

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

9. Turn over

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

10. When both sides are fried until golden brown, use chopsticks to peel the meatloaf to see if the inside is cooked or not.

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

11. Out of the pot

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

12. Pour oil on the meatloaf, don’t add it if it’s too oily

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

13. Take a picture

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

14. Get in a little bit

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

15. What's inside

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

16. Come to a close-up

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe

17. Posing, posing

Black Pepper Beef Patties recipe


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