Braised Chicken Drumsticks

Braised Chicken Drumsticks

by Coffee Private Kitchen

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I love meat and I am afraid of gaining weight. Chicken is a good choice. The red-boiled chicken legs with coffee are rosy in color, and the chicken is fragrant and fragrant. The whole family likes it very much. "


Braised Chicken Drumsticks

1. Collection of ingredients.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

2. Wash the chicken legs, spread them flat on the chopping board, remove the excess chicken fat, and insert them with a fork.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

3. Soak the chicken thighs for 20 minutes, then rinse under running water for 5 minutes.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

4. Drain the water.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

5. Marinated chicken legs: sliced ginger, scallion, 3 grams of salt, 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 2 grams of white pepper. Grab it well and massage for 5 minutes. Leave to marinate for 2 hours.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

6. Put the right amount of peanut oil in the wok, the cold oil into the rock sugar, fry the rock sugar on a low fire until brownish red, and fry the chicken legs and skins down into the pan for fragrant color, and then turn it over to color.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

7. Remove the green onions from the marinated chicken thighs and pour it into the pot. Add boiling water that has not covered the chicken thighs. Add dried chili, shallot knots and star anise. Boil on high heat for 5 minutes, then turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

8. Turn the chicken legs over after 20 minutes, and continue to cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

9. Pick out all the accessories.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

10. Turn on high heat to collect the juice, and while collecting the juice, pour the soup on the chicken thigh with a soup spoon until the soup receives only one bottom of the pot, and the deliciousness is complete.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

11. Finished picture.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

12. Finished picture.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe

13. Finished picture.

Braised Chicken Drumsticks recipe


1. Before soaking the chicken legs, use a fork to penetrate the small holes, so that the blood in the chicken legs can be soaked, and the pickling will add more flavor. At the same time, it can also keep the chicken skin from shrinking and full and full during pan-frying and coloring.
2. The marinating time is guaranteed for at least 2 hours. It can also be marinated in the refrigerator at night and then braised the next day for better taste.
3. Add boiled water after the chicken legs are fried and colored, not cold water. The amount of water is less than that of the drumsticks, not too much.
4. Braised chicken drumsticks don't need too many spices. Too many spices will suppress the fragrance of the chicken.
5. This method is also suitable for braised chicken wings, braised chicken wing roots, braised chicken feet and other dishes.


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