Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes

by 尛尛耞

4.8 (1)







It’s Mid-Autumn Festival, I have always wanted to eat snowy moon cakes.

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes

1. Peel the mangoes, cut into cubes, and beat them into mango puree

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes recipe

2. After the cream cheese is heated in water to dissolve, add it to the mango puree, then add powdered sugar, mix well, and heat in water for 25 minutes.

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes recipe

3. Knead the cold mango filling to make it more delicate, then put it in the refrigerator for later use

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes recipe

4. Add the ice powder to purified water and mix well

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes recipe

5. Add white oil to the well-mixed ice skin powder, then knead it, it won’t stick to your hands and the surface is smooth, then wrap it in plastic wrap and set aside

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes recipe

6. Stir-fry glutinous rice flour for hand powder

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes recipe

7. Take out the mango filling, knead it, divide it into 25g portions, then round it and set aside, divide the ice skin into 25g portions, then knead it and set aside

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes recipe

8. Flatten the snow skin, not too thin, then put the filling in the middle and round it

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes recipe

9. Add a little hand powder to the moon cake mold, then put the wrapped moon cake into the mold, press down, loosen and release the mold, then stick a little hand powder on the bottom to prevent sticking to the box, box it, put it in the refrigerator, and eat it in an hour La! ! !

Cheese and Mango Snowy Mooncakes recipe


Please pay attention to the temperature of the fried noodles.
When filling, don't press too thin ice crust, it will break easily.
The mold has a proper amount of hand powder, which will affect the taste, and it will not take off the mold.


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