Coconut Bread Roll

Coconut Bread Roll

by Bitan Yohe

4.6 (1)







This coconut roll is a kind of bread that is often made at home. I love the flavor of coconut and it is a Chinese method. It is still very soft on the second day and the third day, so it is popular with the whole family, although it often does not reach the third day. I ate it all, haha. So this time my husband said to make a few breads and take them to a friend’s house to drink tea for tea, so coconut rolls are the first choice.
But in the past, they were made into round rolls and used round bread trays. This time I want to try this kind of long bread tray. My 30L oven can fit a few, what will it look like when it’s baked, but it looks really ugly after the second shot. Maybe my technique is relatively unfamiliar. It's not good-looking, and it's not good when it's baked. Fortunately, the taste remains the same, but it is still soft and delicious. The recipe comes from the artisanal baking of the round pig. Next time, I still have to obediently use the round bread tray, which is more familiar.
The square baking tray with a 30L oven can barely put 6 long bread trays, try it directly on the baking net, you can also put 8, but it is more crowded.
It was baked to lukewarm temperature and was bagging. Xiaoyang just woke up from sleep. He grabbed one with quick hands and feet and ate it~~ Khan, the remaining 7 were not good-looking as gifts, so I had to pick up one more and 6 as gifts. One made a snack for their brothers at home, haha~~
This formula is the middle-class method, where A is the middle-class dough material, and B is the main dough material. "

Coconut Bread Roll

1. Ingredient A is put into the inner bucket of the bread machine in the order of liquid first, then flour, then dig a hole in the middle of the flour, and put the yeast powder

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

2. Start the kneading program, you can manually close the program after kneading evenly, without kneading until the film comes out. I let the bread machine run for about 10 minutes. After kneading, close the lid of the bread machine and let it ferment inside

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

3. When fermented to 2-2.5 times the size, the medium dough is ready. Take out the exhaust

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

4. In addition to the butter, put the B material into the inner bucket of the bread machine, and then tear the medium dough into small pieces and put them in together

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

5. After a kneading procedure is over, add butter and start another kneading procedure

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

6. When the second kneading process lasted for 15 minutes, I checked the dough, and I was able to pull out a large piece of film, so I manually stopped the process and rounded the dough back into the vat for fermentation.

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

7. Fermented to 2-2.5 times the size, poke a small hole with your fingers in the flour, do not shrink or collapse, it is ready

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

8. Take out the exhaust, divide into 8 equal parts, cover with plastic wrap and relax for 10 minutes

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

9. ·The coconut stuffing should be made in advance, and you can start making it when the medium kind of dough is fermented. Please see the tips for how to do it. The filling is divided into 8 points as evenly as possible, and a little ball is formed

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

10. Take a loose dough. Flatten

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

11. Packed in coconut balls

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

12. Tuck up the tiger’s mouth and wrap it tightly.

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

13. Roll out into an oval shape, pay attention to it lightly, don't roll it out

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

14. Roll out into an oval shape, pay attention to it lightly, don't roll it out

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

15. Spread a little flour on the surface to prevent sticking, fold up from the bottom, and then cut a few evenly with a spatula, being careful not to cut the top

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

16. Open again

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

17. Stack up vertically

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

18. Hold both sides with two hands, twist it, and place it in the paper tray. Make all the dough in turn, put it in the oven, turn on the fermentation gear, put a plate of hot water at the bottom of the oven, leave it for 40 minutes, about 2-2.5 times the size

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

19. Take out, brush a layer of egg liquid, preheat the oven at 180 degrees, and put the bread dough into the oven after preheating, turn the upper and lower heat to 165 degrees and bake the middle layer for 23 minutes

Coconut Bread Roll recipe

20. Dry to lukewarm after baking, ready to bag

Coconut Bread Roll recipe


1. The preparation of the filling: cut the butter into small pieces, soften it at room temperature, add fine sugar to beat until fluffy, add the whole egg liquid in 3-4 times, stir evenly each time, and the egg liquid and the butter are thoroughly fused again Add the next egg mixture, then add the coconut paste and stir evenly, then pour the milk to let it fully absorb the water;

2. The moisture in the main dough material should be reserved for 5-10 grams to be added depending on the situation. Do not add it all at once, depending on the wet and soft condition of the dough.


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