Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine

by Pistachio 365Q

5.0 (1)







It’s so hilarious to eat like this. It’s delicious and can’t stop with chopsticks. It’s fun and exciting, haha! I want to eat it like being spicy. It's really a devil's dish, which completely opened up my taste buds.


Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine

1. Prepare the ingredients

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

2. Cut the potatoes into hob pieces and cook them in the pot until they are half cooked

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

3. Cut dried red peppers into long strips, cut the shallots into chopped green onions

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

4. Cut the large intestine into large sections. This large intestine is cooked large intestine that I marinated in advance. It takes a long time to marinate by myself, which is both tasty and chewy.

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

5. Peel and wash the garlic head. It can be burnt or cut into thick slices.

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

6. Heat the pot for six minutes, pour the oil, fry the shredded ginger and pepper to get the fragrance and discard it, then add the dried red pepper and stir fry for the fragrance, remove the dried red pepper and leave the base oil

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

7. Add the garlic and stir-fry for a while, stir-fry until the garlic is 6 minutes old, add the potato cubes and black pepper diced and stir-fry for 2 minutes

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

8. Add light soy sauce and continue to stir fry for a minute

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

9. Put the large intestine and the fried dried red peppers into the pot and stir fry

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

10. Add salt and chicken powder and stir fry to taste, but I didn’t put the chicken powder. Choose according to personal preference.

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

11. Sprinkle some chopped green onion, turn off the heat and cook out

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe

12. The finished product is delicious! Come and use the chopsticks to taste the taste

Devil Spicy Sauteed Large Intestine recipe


1. The advantage of braising the large intestine by yourself is that it can be more hygienic, and it can reduce some bacteria for a long time, and it can be chewed.

2. If you are afraid that the taste will be heavy, you can reduce the pepper, pepper and garlic.


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