Durian Shell Pot Chicken

Durian Shell Pot Chicken

by _蒍鉨 become good 々

4.6 (1)








Durian Shell Pot Chicken

1. After eating the durian, take the shell, cut out the white part, wash and set aside.

Durian Shell Pot Chicken recipe

2. Wash the chicken and put it in the pot.

Durian Shell Pot Chicken recipe

3. Put the cut durian shells into the pot together.

Durian Shell Pot Chicken recipe

4. Add water at a time, and the electric stew pot will start to boil the soup for about four or five hours.

Durian Shell Pot Chicken recipe

5. Season with a little salt before serving.

Durian Shell Pot Chicken recipe

6. Finished product.

Durian Shell Pot Chicken recipe


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