Exclusive Urban White-collar Workers/xiaobai Quick Sour Noodle Soup

Exclusive Urban White-collar Workers/xiaobai Quick Sour Noodle Soup

by Hellobaby

4.7 (1)







I forgot my plan for tomorrow and I don’t remember when to leave

When I stare at myself in the mirror chasing a contour with a pencil

I remembered the past, I hope to have eternal love
----love yourself

Exclusive Urban White-collar Workers/xiaobai Quick Sour Noodle Soup

1. Prepare materials according to the ingredient list

Exclusive Urban White-collar Workers/xiaobai Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

2. Accessories

Exclusive Urban White-collar Workers/xiaobai Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

3. Cut the garlic into thin strips, mince the garlic, cut the parsley into sections, and wash the small rapeseed; pour all the seasonings and mix well.

Exclusive Urban White-collar Workers/xiaobai Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

4. Cook the noodles, wait until the noodles are almost cooked, then the small rapeseed is cooked

Exclusive Urban White-collar Workers/xiaobai Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

5. Place the garlic sprouts and minced garlic on the bottom of the bowl and pour into the hot noodle soup

Exclusive Urban White-collar Workers/xiaobai Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe

6. Remove the noodles 1. Pour in the blended seasonings
2. Pour enough noodle soup
3. Sprinkle with coriander and small shrimps at the end

Exclusive Urban White-collar Workers/xiaobai Quick Sour Noodle Soup recipe


1. The minced garlic and garlic sprouts must be put (some functional active substances in garlic have a certain bactericidal effect, and the sulfur-containing compounds and selenium-containing compounds also have a certain positive effect on cancer prevention), here is a small knock That is, after eating garlic and eating a few raw peanuts, there is no taste in your mouth. In the future, everyone will no longer worry about the taste of garlic!
2. I personally think that Shanxi Zilin vinegar tastes more positive. If no other vinegar is available, it will be delicious.
3. Put a spoonful of salt in the water when cooking noodles, the noodles will be smooth and firm!
4. Both garlic sprouts and small rapeseed are grown in pots by themselves, which are very healthy


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