French Mustard Baked Mussels

French Mustard Baked Mussels

by Xiaoyao here

4.8 (1)







Mussels are also called mussels, and they are called "eggs in the sea". They are rich in nutrients and delicious. Come and make them! "


French Mustard Baked Mussels

1. Fry the sesame seeds until half cooked and set aside.

French Mustard Baked Mussels recipe

2. 2. Clean the surface of the mussels and cook until the opening is removed. Personally, I buy freshly bought bags and do not need to be washed or boiled. It is fine to defrost them naturally.

French Mustard Baked Mussels recipe

3. 3. To adjust the juice, you need three tablespoons of mustard seed sauce, two tablespoons of condensed milk, one tablespoon of mustard (depending on personal taste), and a little bit of rosemary.

French Mustard Baked Mussels recipe

4. Stir the sauce evenly.

French Mustard Baked Mussels recipe

5. Spread the prepared sauce on the open mussels, and sprinkle the sesame seeds that have been fried on top.

French Mustard Baked Mussels recipe

6. Put it in the middle of the oven and bake for 5-8 minutes at 220 degrees.

French Mustard Baked Mussels recipe


1. If you don’t know what the mussel’s feet are, you can check it on the Internet and clean it up.
2. I personally recommend buying cooked and frozen so that it is convenient to make, and you don't need to clean up the opening yourself.
3. If the mustard seed sauce is not available, mix it with mustard and yellow mustard.


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