Head Bean Soup

Head Bean Soup

by Brother Yun

4.6 (1)







Everyone must eat fish head soup often. How to cook it deliciously? The following is a little bit of my opinion, please give us your comments. Make progress together. "


Head Bean Soup

1. Wash the fathead fish. Take care to remove the thin black inside the fish maw to avoid affecting the taste.

Head Bean Soup recipe

2. Prepare old ginger tofu with green onions.

Head Bean Soup recipe

3. Put a small amount of oil in the pot, preferably rapeseed oil from your own rapeseed, which is particularly fragrant. Stir fry until the fish head is slightly yellow. Put a small amount of old wine and ginger.

Head Bean Soup recipe

4. Just heat the water until the fish head is full. Be sure to bring it to a large boil first, then simmer over medium-low heat until the fish soup is slightly white, then add tofu, green onions, and a little sugar.

Head Bean Soup recipe

5. Simmer for another 12 minutes over medium heat, seasoning, and a pot of fragrant fish head soup is definitely the best choice.

Head Bean Soup recipe

6. ate up.

Head Bean Soup recipe


The black in the fish maw must be removed! Put the rice wine ginger better to remove the fishy.


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