Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate

Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate

by Dododin

4.6 (1)







Pueraria lobata powder, also known as arrowroot powder, has the special effects of cooling down the fire, appetizing food, diuresis and anti-alcoholism, and can also supplement amino acids and trace elements. It is a good helper for daily health care.

It's midsummer, and it's the season for picking and eating lotus. The lotus seeds came early this year. There were already tender lotus tents on the street. Only then did they know that fresh lotus tents can be eaten directly in Hangzhou that year.

Fresh lilies come from remote Lanzhou and can be used for cooking or making sugar water. Since the Yushu earthquake, the value of fresh lilies has remained high.

Both lotus seeds and lily are healthy ingredients, which have the effects of moisturizing, soothing and moisturizing the lungs. Pueraria lobata root powder clears heat and detoxifies, and the three are compatible. It is suitable for all ages and young people. Take advantage of the starchy properties of Pueraria lobata root and add water to soak the concentration. It can be made into liquid or semi-solid according to personal preference, which is very convenient.

Urbanites are busy with work and busy life. This dessert can not only relieve fatigue for you, but also calm the mind and help you sleep.

Take advantage of the fresh lotus seed season, you can enjoy it to your heart's content!

The newly bought beautiful dog plate is not willing to give it to the dog. Let me show it off first. It's really cute! "


Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate

1. The main materials appear together

Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate recipe

2. Fresh lily, remove the pedicles and separate petals, wash and drain

Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate recipe

3. I use frozen fresh lotus seeds, just thaw and wash them

Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate recipe

4. Bring the water to the boil, boil the lotus seeds on medium heat for 10 minutes, then pour in the lily, cook for 10 minutes, pick up and set aside

Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate recipe

5. Lily is easier to ripen than lotus seeds. It does not take too long. Fresh lotus seeds are cooked until the heart is soft. Fresh lotus seeds are powdered. Because you want to clear the heat, the lotus core is not removed, and you can also remove the lotus core. Another: lotus heart also has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, slightly bitter

Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate recipe

6. Bring 500-600ml water to a boil, add sugar to make sugar water

Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate recipe

7. Pour the kudzu powder into a bowl, melt it with cold boiled water, then pour in sugar water and stir to form a half cake

Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate recipe

8. Pour into the dog plate, put lotus seeds and lilies in, put a few goji berries on top, it's fine

Homemade Lily Lotus Seed Arrowroot Cake-a Delicacy Served on A Dog Plate recipe


1. Pueraria lobata powder will solidify when it meets hot water, so it should be boiled with cold boiled water first, then poured in hot water, and stirred while pouring.

2. The ratio of water to water can be controlled freely. If you want to solidify, there will be less water, otherwise, more water.

3. It can be eaten immediately after brewing. If you want to cool down, put it in the refrigerator for a few hours.

4. The lotus heart is also edible, and the taste is slightly bitter.

This is a fast, simple and healthy dessert, I hope it can improve everyone's sleep quality!


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