Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling

by Zz7736

4.9 (1)




1h 30m



Vacation is not only poetry and distance, but also a steaming kitchen~~~

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling

1. Mix moon cake syrup, vegetable oil, and water, and stir clockwise.

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

2. Add moon cake special powder to the mixture and knead repeatedly to make it completely blended.

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

3. The kneaded dough is wrapped in plastic wrap and proofed for 30 minutes.

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

4. Combine black sesame powder, butter, honey, and chopped nuts until they are evenly combined

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

5. Divide the mixed black sesame filling into 25g equal parts, knead into black sesame balls

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

6. Proofed mooncake dough is divided into 22g equal parts

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

7. Wrap the black sesame filling with mooncake crust

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

8. The wrapped dough is ready for use

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

9. Select the mold, load the dough, and mold out

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

10. Place them on the baking tray one by one, brush a layer of egg mixture (one egg plus two egg yolks), and spray a layer of water

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe

11. Preheat the oven 180 for 10 minutes, and set it into the oven for 10 minutes.

Homemade Mooncakes with Black Sesame Filling recipe


1. The temperature of the oven is too low and it is easy to deform (shrink the waist)
2. The egg liquid brush should be thin and even, otherwise it will affect the coloring
3. The oven temperature is too high and easy to crack


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