Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls

by Pretty horse po

4.8 (1)







Spinach and tofu can’t be eaten together. After decades of publicity, this sentence has become a well-known and popular iron rule.

However, according to recent research results, it can be determined that spinach and tofu are not only a good match, but also a perfect match for calcium and bone.
It used to be thought that spinach should not be eaten with tofu for one reason: Spinach contains a large amount of oxalic acid, which will combine with calcium to form an insoluble precipitate.
However, this statement does not see another aspect of the problem-spinach also contains a variety of factors that promote calcium utilization and reduce calcium excretion, including rich potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamin K.
In Chinese medicine, there is a saying that "green enters the liver meridian", green food can benefit the circulation and metabolism of liver qi, but also relieve fatigue, relieve liver depression, eating more dark or green food can play a role in nourishing the liver and protecting the liver. In winter, you may wish to eat more of these green fruits and vegetables, such as spinach. Spinach contains a lot of beta carotene and iron, and is also an excellent source of vitamin B6, folic acid, iron and potassium. It is rich in vitamin A and carotene, which can make your complexion ruddy and is praised as a good product for beauty.
Tofu is rich in nutrients, contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements necessary for the human body. It also contains sugar, vegetable oil and rich high-quality protein. It is known as "plant meat". The digestion and absorption rate of tofu is more than 95%. Two small pieces of tofu can meet a person's daily calcium requirement. Tofu is a food for replenishing heat and clearing away heat. If eaten regularly, it can nourish the middle and nourish qi, clear away heat and moisturize dryness, promote body fluids and quench thirst, and cleanse the intestines and stomach. It is more suitable for people who have heat constitution, bad breath, thirst, unclear stomach, and those who are nursing after fever.
Although tofu is rich in nutrients, it lacks dietary fiber. Eating tofu alone may cause constipation. Putting the greens together when eating tofu can just make up for this shortcoming of tofu.
Tofu spinach is also difficult to form into a ball after crushing, so you need to add pork puree, not only to increase the flavor and nutrition, but also to boil the meatballs into balls easily.
This dish is light, delicious and delicious, and is often eaten in winter. "


Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls

1. Prepare the ingredients, chop the pork into puree, and wash the spinach.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

2. Crushed tofu.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

3. Add meat and stir.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

4. The tofu and minced meat are mixed well.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

5. Poke spinach with boiling water.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

6. Take the spinach out of cold water, squeeze the water, and chop. Chopped green onions.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

7. Chop spinach and green onions together.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

8. Put the spinach into a food processor and add an appropriate amount of water to stir into a puree.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

9. Strain the pureed spinach to remove the juice (the juice can be left for the kneading), and add the tofu filling.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

10. Mix well, add egg white and mix, add salt, sesame oil and pepper again and mix well.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

11. Add water to the pot, boil until bubbling, without boiling, squeeze the balls out of the arc of your hand, and gently put them into the pot.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

12. After the water boiled, the balls slowly floated up.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

13. Add a spoonful of hen broth.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe

14. Cook for a few minutes, add salt to taste, and turn off the heat.

Jasper Spinach Tofu Balls recipe


If you want the meatballs to become white, the proportion of tofu can be larger, and the proportion of pork should not be as small as possible, otherwise it will lack stickiness and will not easily form a dough.


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