Jujube Poria and Yam Cake

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake

by Food·Color

5.0 (1)







It seems that another version has been made. The same ingredients should be in different proportions. The jujube paste is the filling and the Poria yam is the skin.
However, I didn't think of it when I made this yam cake. All the materials are mixed together, divided into doses, and impressions. This approach may be easier than stuffing. It's just that the final color is a bit ugly. Poria powder is a bit too much, but the taste is somewhat coarse powder. In fact, it's just that when the yam is mixed with the jujube mud, it's not bad, with a little bit of sweetness and bitterness of the jujube, and the mud looks pretty good. The participation of Poria powder changed the situation of the mud group at once. Besides, the poria powder made by myself is not delicate enough, and it still feels rough when mixed in the mud. Not only that, it also dilutes the sweetness of jujube, which makes people feel more obvious. It is an unspeakable medicinal taste.
After it's steamed, you can add more honey. Let the honey slowly soak the yam cake. It will taste sweeter and weaken the dry taste of the powder.
This is not a snack that is easy to accept. "


Jujube Poria and Yam Cake

1. Ingredients: 200 grams of iron rod yam, 100 grams of red dates, 80 grams of Poria powder, appropriate amount of honey

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

2. Wash the yam and cut into sections, wash the red dates, put them in the pot and steam for 15-20 minutes

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

3. Cook out and let cool

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

4. Yam peeled

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

5. Mashed into mud

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

6. Red dates peeled and cored

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

7. Add to yam mud

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

8. Stir well

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

9. Add Poria powder

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

10. Grasp even

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

11. Take about 35 grams and use plastic wrap to tighten into a ball

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

12. Put in the mold

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

13. Compaction

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

14. Knock left and right

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

15. Deduct

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

16. Put it in a pot of boiling water and steam on high heat for about 20 minutes

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

17. Steamed through, out of the pot

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe

18. Pour honey on the surface

Jujube Poria and Yam Cake recipe


If you like a better taste, you can reduce the amount of Poria, but if you want a stronger effect, you can increase Poria powder to 100 grams.
Be careful not to soak the yam cake with soda during the last steaming, which will affect the appearance.


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