Kampo Ginger Duck

Kampo Ginger Duck

by sunshinewinnie

4.7 (1)







Nourishing but not greasy, warm but not dry ---Ginger mother duck in Chinese medicine According to the two books of "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" and "Chinese Medicine Pharmacopoeia", Jiang mother duck was originally a royal meal in the palace, and it is said to be Wu Zhong, a famous doctor in the Shang Dynasty. It was created and spread to the folks, and then it became a famous dish. Rehmannia root and Angelica have the effect of nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation, wolfberry has the effect of nourishing liver and kidney, codonopsis and astragalus have the effect of nourishing qi, and old ducks can nourish yin and reduce fire. Therefore, the ginger mother duck is a wonderful way to nourish qi and blood, and at the same time with duck meat's nourishing yin and lowering fire effect, so that this medicated diet is nourishing but not greasy, warm but not dry. The medicated diet effect of ginger to remove fishy and warm up is also the main reason why people generally love it. It is suitable for consumption in autumn and winter.
It's autumn now, and stew a pot of such nourishing soup for your family, which not only protects the body from the cold, but also replenishes the body. You can kill two birds with one stone, don't you want to try it.

Kampo Ginger Duck

1. Wash the duck and cut into pieces.

Kampo Ginger Duck recipe

2. Prepare the required Chinese medicine ingredients.

Kampo Ginger Duck recipe

3. The duck is blanched for later use.

Kampo Ginger Duck recipe

4. Prepare ginger slices.

Kampo Ginger Duck recipe

5. Pour sesame oil into the pot and stir fry the ginger slices to create a fragrance.

Kampo Ginger Duck recipe

6. Pour the duck meat and stir-fry the duck meat until golden brown.

Kampo Ginger Duck recipe

7. Put a little rock sugar, pour in rice wine, and then pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water.

Kampo Ginger Duck recipe

8. Put in the prepared Chinese herbal medicine.

Kampo Ginger Duck recipe

9. Transfer to a casserole and simmer for 2 hours, until the duck meat is soft and rotten.

Kampo Ginger Duck recipe


Ingredients: 1 old duck Ingredients: Rehmannia root 10g Angelica 6g Chinese wolfberry 10g Codonopsis 10g Roasted Astragalus 10g Cinnamon 3g 8 slices of ginger Sesame oil Appropriate amount of rock sugar Appropriate amount of rice wine Appropriate amount of seasoning: Salt
1. The duck I used today is relatively small, so I used one. If the duck is larger, use half with the ingredients given.
2. The duck is blanched in water before frying, which can not only better remove the fishy, but also make the stewed soup clearer and cleaner.
3. My stew soup usually does not add salt. If you want to add it, add it when the meat is almost cooked, because salt will accelerate the coagulation of the protein in the meat, which is not conducive to the stew of the meat, and the protein dissolved in the soup is also It is easy to precipitate and affects the taste of the soup.
4. Putting a little rock sugar during the stewing process can not only neutralize the medicinal taste of Chinese medicine, but also add a hint of sweetness to the soup.
5. This soup is partial tonic, not suitable for people with high blood lipids and high blood pressure.
If you like my food, please pay attention to my gourmet WeChat public account sunshinewinnie_99 (please note that there is an underscore between sunshinewinnie and 99).


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