Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet

by Huihui_ernEwQ

4.8 (1)







The bouquet rice balls are beautiful, with mussels, carrots, dried fragrant, and fragrant rice. Let’s try one.”


Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet

1. Melaleuca fry in hot water for 20 seconds, remove and drain the water for later use

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe

2. Fry the shallots in the water, take out the cold water and set aside

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe

3. Season the rice with salt and monosodium glutamate, spread a corner of the layer, and put mussel meat in the middle of the rice, as shown in the picture

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe

4. Add fragrant dried shreds and carrot shreds

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe

5. Fold up that half as shown in the picture

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe

6. Fold in half again

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe

7. Flip the corner down and hold

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe

8. Tied with shallots

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe

9. After making the leftover rice balls

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe

10. Finished picture

Melaleuca Rice Ball Bouquet recipe


Stir-fry the shallots so that they won’t break when tied up


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