Pan-fried Plum Rolls

Pan-fried Plum Rolls

by Wanshanhong

4.7 (1)







In addition to making Mei Cai Kou Po, Mei Dian Cai can also be used for many delicacies. For example, today's plum cabbage rolls are made with dried plum cabbage. Anyone who likes dried plums will say that dried plums are delicious no matter how they are made. Hey, I think so too. This pan-fried plum roll is first steamed and then fried. The fried part at both ends is crispy and fragrant, while the other parts are soft and fragrant. The special fragrance of plum dried vegetables is present from the inside to the outside, and it looks good when placed. It must be very popular to banquet guests! "


Pan-fried Plum Rolls

1. Eggs beaten and strained

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

2. Take one spoonful of the filtered egg liquid at a time. In my home, one scoop of this spoon is just enough to make one. Choose according to your own tools. Anyway, even

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

3. After the pot is slightly hot, remove it from the heat and wipe a layer of oil with kitchen paper, not too much oil. Then pour the egg mixture and turn it evenly. Be sure to turn it evenly and then heat it up, otherwise the egg skin will not be even, and it will be easy to foam.

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

4. Put it on the fire, fry the egg crust over a small fire

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

5. Put the fried egg skins on the shelf for a while. After the next egg skin is fried, put this in the plate. After making all the egg skins in turn, I used 3 eggs to make 6 egg skins.

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

6. The dried plums are soaked in water one day in advance, and the dried plums are washed and squeezed out of water and chopped. Minced pork

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

7. Put a little oil in the pan, fry the minced ginger fragrantly, add the minced meat and fry until the color changes, and cook the rice wine

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

8. Pour the dried plums

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

9. Add salt and special grade soy sauce, just a little bit of salt, not salty. Then add a little more boiling water and cook for a while

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

10. Take the moisture away and remove from the fire. Let cool for later use. Cooking in winter is steaming, and if you take pictures without leaving the fire, all the pictures are mist.

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

11. Spread the fried stuffing flat on the egg crust and roll it up

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

12. After all the rolls are finished, open the water basket and steam for 10 minutes

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

13. Let the steamed egg rolls cool and cut into sections. It's easy to cut after cooling, hot and easy to cut

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

14. Put both ends of the cut segments into dry starch and dip some dry starch, the noodles will be crispy when fried with dry starch

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

15. Put oil in the frying pan, roll the Mei Cai into the pan, and fry on medium and low heat until the surface is golden

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe

16. Fry on one side and then turn over and fry, the inside is golden and you can enjoy it out of the pan

Pan-fried Plum Rolls recipe


The steamed plum cabbage rolls can be cut after cooling. Although it takes time to wait, the cut will be much more beautiful.


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