Pink Leopard Toast

Pink Leopard Toast

by Summer_Summer

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The recipe was slightly modified based on the Leopard Print Toast of Hui Hui Food Ji. I saw Hui Hui’s Leopard Print Toast a few days ago and was immediately planted. However, there is no bamboo charcoal powder at home, so I used purple sweet potato powder and cocoa powder. , Made it pink and tender, also very beautiful!

Pink Leopard Toast

1. Put all the ingredients of the medium dough into the bread machine,

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

2. After kneading into a smooth dough, take it out and put it in a basin, cover it with a fresh-keeping mold, and put it in the refrigerator to ferment for 14-24 hours, not more than 24 hours.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

3. The fermented medium dough is about three times larger than the original.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

4. Put the main dough materials except butter into the bread machine, tear off small pieces of the medium type dough and put them together, knead until the expansion stage, the dough can be pulled out of a thicker film, add butter and continue kneading.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

5. Knead to the complete stage, you can hold out a thinner glove film,

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

6. The kneaded dough is sealed and fermented to double its size. I put it in the oven to ferment at 35 degrees.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

7. The fermented dough is divided into one large 240g and two small 157g,

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

8. Add cocoa powder and purple sweet potato powder to the small two doughs and knead them evenly. Remember to cover with plastic wrap to prevent the surface of the dough from cracking.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

9. Divide the large white dough into 15 portions, don’t need to divide evenly, it’s probably fine.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

10. The two small doughs are also divided into 15 portions, without dividing them equally, round and relax for 15 minutes,

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

11. After loosening the dough, take the purple and roll it into an oval sheet.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

12. Roll up from the long side, squeeze tightly at the closing, and rub a little into a long strip,

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

13. Close your mouth and squeeze it tightly and rub it evenly.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

14. Then take the cocoa dough and roll it into thin slices, wrap the purple potato strips, follow the purple potato dough packaging method, wrap it up, and rub the strips slightly.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

15. Pay attention to the time of the bag, one part is full and one part is half, as shown in the picture, the pattern will look better.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

16. Finally, roll the white dough into thin slices, completely wrap the cocoa dough, pinch it tightly,

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

17. This time it’s all wrapped up completely,

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

18. After all the dough is wrapped, it is rolled into a long strip that is slightly shorter than the toast box, and placed in the toast box for final fermentation. Put a bowl of hot water in the fermentation tank to ensure humidity.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

19. Ferment until the toast box is eighth full, close the lid and prepare to bake,

Pink Leopard Toast recipe

20. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, put it in the toast box, turn the heat up and down at 180 degrees, and bake the middle and lower layers for about 40 minutes. After being out of the oven, remove the mold and let the slices cool.

Pink Leopard Toast recipe


The middle-type dough can be fermented after kneading it well. It is best not to ferment for more than 24 hours. The noodles are finally wrapped. The kneading is slightly shorter than the toast box, and it should not be too short. Cover with plastic wrap, otherwise the dough will dry


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