Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk

Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk

by White~Mist (from Tencent.)

4.8 (1)







Baked pumpkin with egg yolk, as everyone knows, it is also a dish I like very much. Today I will combine this dish with leftover rice. The cooked egg fried rice is mixed with salted egg yolk. Don’t mention how delicious it is, of course it’s salty Egg yolk is very high in calories and can only be eaten occasionally!


Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk

1. Green beans are blanched in water and cooked.

Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk recipe

2. The pumpkin is also blanched in water.

Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk recipe

3. Prepare the required main ingredients.

Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk recipe

4. Put a little oil in the pot, add the salted duck egg yolk, and crush the duck egg yolk with a spatula.

Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk recipe

5. Stir fry until you see a few bubbles in the pan.

Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk recipe

6. Just put the rice into the stir fry.

Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk recipe

7. Stir-fry until the rice crackles in the pot, add green beans and stir-fry the pumpkin evenly.

Pumpkin Fried Rice with Egg Yolk recipe


Salted egg yolks have a salty taste, so there is no need to add salt. Remember to turn on a low heat when scrambled egg yolks.


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