Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup

by Asakusa.

4.7 (1)




1h 30m



Tremella has the functions of replenishing the spleen and appetizing, replenishing qi and clearing the intestines, nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs. Lotus seeds have the functions of replenishing the spleen and relieving diarrhea, stopping the belt, replenishing the kidney and astringent essence, and nourishing the heart and calming the nerves. Long-term consumption of white fungus, lotus seeds and red dates soup can nourish the spleen and appetite, replenish qi and clear the intestines, nourish brain, sleep well and invigorate the stomach, nourish yin and clear away heat, and moisturize dryness. It has a great effect on improving immunity, protecting the gastrointestinal tract and replenishing qi and blood.


Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup

1. Ingredients are ready: dried white fungus, red dates, lotus seeds, white sugar (rock sugar is better)

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup recipe

2. Soak the dried white fungus in water in advance, wash the red dates and lotus seeds

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup recipe

3. The soaked white fungus is chopped with a knife or scissors, and the lotus seeds and red dates are taken out to control the moisture

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup recipe

4. After all the ingredients are ready, pour into the stew pot

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup recipe

5. Add an appropriate amount of boiling water (using boiling water can shorten the time of simmering)

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup recipe

6. Close the lid

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup recipe

7. Put it in a saucepan, press quick simmer, and simmer for 2-3 hours

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup recipe

8. After simmering until almost done, add a little sugar

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup recipe

9. Finally, let it simmer slightly

Red Date, Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup recipe


The sweet soup boiled in boiling water can shorten a certain time, and the white sugar can be replaced by rock sugar (the rock sugar at home just ran out)


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