Sai Cantaloupe

Sai Cantaloupe

by Celery

4.8 (1)







Make a simulation dish, called "sai cantaloupe." As the name suggests, the main ingredient has nothing to do with melon. In fact, it is radish, pear and hawthorn cake. It is paired with a sweet and sour sauce that Cantonese people like. Although the shape is not similar, the taste is crisper than melon, and the taste is more fragrant and color. It looks better than cantaloupe, so it is called "sai cantaloupe"! As for the cooking requirements, the rookie level is enough, and you can cut shreds. You can’t cut thin shreds. It’s okay to cut thick shreds! "

Sai Cantaloupe

1. Wash the pears, peel them, and cut them into thicker strands;

Sai Cantaloupe recipe

2. Immediately put it in cold boiling water with a few drops of white vinegar (outside the amount) to soak in to prevent oxidation, remove and drain the water before serving;

Sai Cantaloupe recipe

3. Cut cucumber into thin strips and spread on the bottom of the plate;

Sai Cantaloupe recipe

4. Wash the radish in the heart, and cut into filaments with the skin;

Sai Cantaloupe recipe

5. Hawthorn cake cut into silk;

Sai Cantaloupe recipe

6. Cut red sweet pepper into small pieces;

Sai Cantaloupe recipe

7. Put the white vinegar, white sugar and red sweet pepper diced into a small bowl, add an appropriate amount of water, stir evenly, and make a sweet and sour sauce for later use;

Sai Cantaloupe recipe

8. Put shredded radish, shredded pear and shredded haw cake on the shredded cucumber;

Sai Cantaloupe recipe

9. Just drizzle with sweet and sour sauce.

Sai Cantaloupe recipe


1. Beautiful radish in the heart is not the only choice, white radish and green radish can also be used, but the beautiful radish in the heart is the most beautiful;

2. For pears, it is best to choose Sydney pears or Yali pears, which have a relatively crisp taste. Laiyang pears are almost the same; do not cut the pears too thin, because the pears are very brittle.

3. The ratio of radish, pear and hawthorn cake is 3:2:1; the ratio of water, vinegar, and sugar in sweet and sour juice is 1:1:1. Knowing the two ratios, the above list of materials is not needed;

4. A little lemon juice can be added to the sweet and sour juice to make the fruity aroma more intense. This sweet and sour sauce can also be used for dipping in stewed or fried foods, and it tastes quite good.

5. Hawthorn cake is best made by yourself, which is more assured.


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