Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles

by Mom Nini

4.9 (1)







Isn’t it strange that instant noodles are added to the braised Chinese sausage? I'm telling you, it tastes great, try it if you don't believe it.

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles

1. Prepare ingredients

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

2. Peel the radish and cut into small cubes

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

3. Wash the sausage and cut into small dices

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

4. Diced parsley

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

5. Wash and diced fresh shiitake mushrooms

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

6. Crush the instant noodles by hand

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

7. Pour the rice and purple rice into the rice cooker

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

8. Pour crushed instant noodles on top

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

9. Pour in diced radish, diced mushrooms, and diced sausage

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

10. Pour in the appropriate amount of powder and vegetable powder in the powder bag

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

11. Add the right amount of water, the amount of water is the same as usual

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

12. Start the rice cooker cooking program

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe

13. When there are 5 minutes left, pour in the diced celery and continue to the end, mix well and then you can eat "Healthy and delicious food, create a better life-Zhongzhuo Food"

Braised Rice with Sausage Instant Noodles recipe


1. Don't put the diced celery early, otherwise it won't be crispy.
2. The amount of water does not need to be large, just the usual amount.


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