Steamed Octopus with Chopped Pepper

Steamed Octopus with Chopped Pepper

by Sky Blue 1761

4.6 (1)







With few fish bones, it can be accepted by my husband who doesn't like fish. Because my husband doesn't like fish, he thinks there are many fish bones. Do you think there is such a lazy person? I want to eat fish but I’m too lazy to spit out thorns. Hey~~ Fish has high nutritional value and I like it very much. But as the head of the family, I can’t just care about myself, so I love buying hairtail. Hairtail has very little nutritional value but is rich in protein, fat, vitamin B1, B2, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and other ingredients. It has the functions of nourishing spleen, nourishing qi, warming stomach, nourishing liver, nourishing skin, nourishing qi, nourishing blood, and bodybuilding


Steamed Octopus with Chopped Pepper

1. A hairtail is removed from the internal organs and the head and tail

Steamed Octopus with Chopped Pepper recipe

2. Cut into sections and marinate for 10 minutes with salt, ginger, and cooking wine. Do not pour out the marinated water

Steamed Octopus with Chopped Pepper recipe

3. Spread a layer of shredded ginger on the bottom, put the octopus pieces, drizzle with sesame oil, steam the fish with soy sauce, top with chopped peppers, and steam for 10 minutes in a steamer

Steamed Octopus with Chopped Pepper recipe


The chopped pepper is too salty, so you don’t need to add salt. Add some green onions together with ginger and spread it on the plate. It’s more silver scales, not scales, but a layer of skin formed by special fat, called "silver fat", which is the nutritional value High-quality fats that are taller and tasteless...


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