#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose

by Le Shi Ji

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After a long and bitter summer, it finally ushered in a cool autumn, but autumn dryness will also bring you a lot of discomfort. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the season is mainly to nourish the lungs. This dish of rock sugar rose stewed pears is suitable for drinking at this time. Rock sugar has the effects of nourishing body fluid, moisturizing lungs, cleaning and detoxifying, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, reducing phlegm and turbidity. Pear has the effects of moisturizing and clearing dryness, relieving cough and phlegm, nourishing blood and promoting muscle. Therefore, in addition to moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, this sugar water also has the effects of beauty and health, nourishing the skin, anti-wrinkle and whitening. "


#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose

1. Prepare the ingredients.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

2. Wash and peel pears.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

3. Cut into small pieces.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

4. Put an appropriate amount of water in the casserole.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

5. Add rock sugar after boiling.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

6. Add the pears after the rock sugar melts.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

7. Simmer for 30 minutes.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

8. Put in dried roses.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

9. Turn off the heat when the pear is transparent.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

10. Sprinkle some more rose petals before leaving the fire.

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe

11. Stewed pears with rock sugar and rose to nourish lungs and clear dryness

#一碗好汤#stewed Pear with Rock Sugar and Rose recipe


The amount of rock sugar can be adjusted according to your own taste.


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