Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell

by Food·Color

4.7 (1)







A durian shell can only be solved by scoring several times. After the keel is stewed, the big bone will be stewed with the corn. No one likes durian husks. Corn is a vegetarian food other than meat. If you are not willing to eat meat, it is good to eat corn.
Actually, corn stew soup is rarely used. I don’t know what the taste of corn bone soup stewed with durian husk will be.
In summer, I like the fragrance of corn most. The combination of durian husk and corn is unexpectedly good, and the bone broth becomes a background, full of the fragrance of corn and durian. . . . "


Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell

1. Ingredients: 2 durian husks, 500 g pork bones, 2 corns, appropriate amount of salt, a little chopped green onion, 1 piece of ginger

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

2. Take two durian shells,

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

3. Use a knife to cut off the white flesh inside the shell and set aside.

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

4. Wash corn and cut into small pieces.

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

5. Wash the pork bones, put them in a pot and blanch them to remove the blood.

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

6. fish out,

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

7. Put corn, pork bones and durian husk into the inner pot of the electric casserole,

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

8. Add an appropriate amount of water,

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

9. Select the strong gear and cook for 1-2 hours, then switch to automatic and cook for another 1-2 hours.

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

10. Ripe, turn off the heat.

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe

11. Pour out, add salt, sprinkle chopped green onion,

Stewed Pork Bones with Corn Durian Shell recipe


The proportion of each material can be adjusted arbitrarily according to your preferences.
Chopped pork bones into sections makes it easier to simmer the flavor.
Cooking utensils can be selected according to their own equipment.


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