Summer Refreshment: Champagne Sangria
Put 2 cups of water, 1 cup of sugar, and 2 cups of fresh mint leaves (10 pieces left) in a small pot and boil on high heat. Turn to low heat and heat for 5 minutes, stirring slightly during the process. Set aside to cool for 20 minutes.
Cut each strawberry twice into 4 pieces. Remove the two ends of the green lemon and yellow lemon and slice them into thin slices.
Add Prosecco, orange juice, strawberry chunks, and lemon slices to the big Pitcher. Pour the chilled mint sweet juice through a strainer, leaving only the sweet juice and remove the mint leaves. Stir well.
Add ice cubes to the cup, add two fresh mint leaves, pour in the stirred Sangria, and you are ready to drink.
The amount of lemon and strawberry can be increased or decreased according to your taste. If sugar is added to the orange juice, the amount of sugar in the mint sweet juice can be reduced accordingly.